Monocular Bushnell Night Watch Infrared
"Bushnell Night Watch 2x24 w/Built in Infrared Monocular - Monoculars - Camp Kitchen - Outdoor gear, technology, maps and guidebooks for your Texas trips, travels and "
Bushnell Night Watch 2×24 w/Built in Infrared Monocular
I have to admit that my only background with night vision devices has been with later-generation goggles in the military. As such, my expectations and review criteria might be a bit different than some.
I purchased this monocular for a camping trip, in the hopes of being able to watch woodland critters going about their natural activities. I found that my ability to do that was dependant on many variables. In normal (non-IR) mode, it’s only MARGINALLY (infinitesimally…not much) better than normal night vision. In an open field, with full moonlight, you can clearly see a medium-sized dog running around out to about 30 feet. Out to 100 feet, you can tell that there’s something moving out there. Beyond that, everything blends.
While all of this is greatly enhanced by switching on the IR source, it’s (literally) a bright red spot which lets the rest of the world know you’re there. It’s probably the military thing kicking in, but that REALLY bugs me. While (in theory)only insects and reptiles are able to see IR light, I was able to see the IR source itself from 50 feet away. The main problem I have with this unit, is that it becomes completely dependent on the IR source to have any use. As a result, every tree, twig, branch, bug, leaf, etc etc….between you and the thing you want to see…blocks some of that IR light. The heavier the woods are, then, the more your distance is limited. Kinda like using a flashlight, actually.
So bottom line: Fun as a toy, but I would NOT count on it in a situation where I needed night vision for my survival, safety or security.
I can’t say that this unit is any better or worse than any other Gen-1 unit. I can say that Bushnell’s pricing people should be commended. If I had paid any more than $130-something, I would be returning it for a refund. I’m sure, though, that as long as it lasts, I’ll have enough near-perfect conditions to play around with it and get my money’s worth.
I have to admit that my only background with night vision devices has been with later-generation goggles in the military. As such, my expectations and review criteria might be a bit different than some.
I purchased this monocular for a camping trip, in the hopes of being able to watch woodland critters going about their natural activities. I found that my ability to do that was dependant on many variables. In normal (non-IR) mode, it’s only MARGINALLY (infinitesimally…not much) better than normal night vision. In an open field, with full moonlight, you can clearly see a medium-sized dog running around out to about 30 feet. Out to 100 feet, you can tell that there’s something moving out there. Beyond that, everything blends.
While all of this is greatly enhanced by switching on the IR source, it’s (literally) a bright red spot which lets the rest of the world know you’re there. It’s probably the military thing kicking in, but that REALLY bugs me. While (in theory)only insects and reptiles are able to see IR light, I was able to see the IR source itself from 50 feet away. The main problem I have with this unit, is that it becomes completely dependent on the IR source to have any use. As a result, every tree, twig, branch, bug, leaf, etc etc….between you and the thing you want to see…blocks some of that IR light. The heavier the woods are, then, the more your distance is limited. Kinda like using a flashlight, actually.
So bottom line: Fun as a toy, but I would NOT count on it in a situation where I needed night vision for my survival, safety or security.
I can’t say that this unit is any better or worse than any other Gen-1 unit. I can say that Bushnell’s pricing people should be commended. If I had paid any more than $130-something, I would be returning it for a refund. I’m sure, though, that as long as it lasts, I’ll have enough near-perfect conditions to play around with it and get my money’s worth.
Bushnell Night Watch 2×24 w/Built in Infrared Monocular
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