Wolfgang Puck Coffee, Breakfast in Bed (Medium Roast), 24-Count K-Cups for Keurig Brewers (Pack of 2)
"Buy Wolfgang Puck Breakfast in Bed K-Cups 24ct online at mild-bodied medium roast coffee from Wolfgang Puck Coffee K Keurig Home Brewers and K-Cups are only . serve coffee supplies including K-Cups, Keurig brewers, coffee & tea s K-Cups; Tully's K-Cups; Wolfgang Puck K for Keurig Brewers / Medium Roast K-Cups; . "- K-cup for Keurig brewers
- Single-use mini brewer cups hold the perfect amount of grounds, no need to measure
- Pack of 2, 24-count boxes (total of 48 boxes)
- Please note: ‘regular’, ‘bold’ and ‘extra bold’ refer to the amount of coffee in the K-Cup
Readmore the highlights and feature of this Wolfgang Puck Coffee, Breakfast in Bed (Medium Roast), 24-Count K-Cups for Keurig Brewers (Pack of 2)
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